Gli uomini sono uguali o diversi e cosa ne segue per la la società a la politica? Una presa di posizione personale?
di Manuel Knoll

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Sunto: Uno scambio di precisazioni fra Piero Trupia e Manuel Knoll sul concetto di schiavitù degli antichi greci.

Abstract: An exchange of details between Piero Trupia and Manuel Knoll on the concept of slavery of the ancient Greeks.

Manuel Knoll. Prof. Dr. Manuel Knoll earned a PhD in Philosophy, Political Science and History from the University of Munich in 2000. Since 1998 he has been lecturing at the University of Munich and at the Munich School of Political Science. In 2008 he achieved his habilitation and venia legendi in Political Theory and Philosophy. In 2011 he became a Professor of Philosophy at Fatih University, Istanbul. In 2013 he became a member of Instituto "Lucio Anneo Séneca", Madrid, and started to teach at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.His main research and lecturing interests are Ancient, Modern and Contemporary Political Philosophy and Ethics, in particular Ancient and Contemporary Theories of Justice, Plato, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, Rawls and Michael Walzer, Social Philosophy and Critical Theory, Greek Philosophy of Classical Antiquity.

ArteScienza Anno III, N.6 dicembre 2016